Fees and Prices | Lycée français Jean Monnet

Fees and Price Lycée Français Jean Monnet

Lycée français Jean Monnet

Here are the prices for the Lycée français Jean Monnet in Brussels.

The prices for the Lycée français Jean Monnet include the enrolment fees plus the annual tuition fees depending on the level of study: kindergarten, elementary, collège and lycée.
If the international section option is chosen in elementary, collège or lycée, an annual supplement of €600 is required in addition to the tuition fees.

FEES 2024-2025 Private Fees Corporate Fees
Registration Fee  1200€ 1200€
Maternelle 8.230€ 8.230€
Élémentaire 7.730€* 7.730€*
Collège 9.120€* 9.120€*
Lycée 10.110€* 10.110€*
*   If internationale section : + 160€
* If international section : + 600€

Not included in fees: School trip – School books – School bus – Hot meals/soup – Extracurricular activities – Teaching expenses in kindergarten and elementary – Swimming pool fees in CM2 – Supervised studies (optional registrations) – Language certifications or their preparation / UCAS (optional registrations ) – School trips (optional registrations).


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